I doubted our "plans" all day on Friday, we hadn't been in touch, and we really hadn't made any concrete plans. But as I went through the texts in my cell phone, I saw it, in black and white, our virtual conversation about "hanging out on Friday night". I finally broke down and contacted him and he was "stuck watching basketball with his friend in Maryland". So, we all know what that means...Philip and I ain't hangin out.
First Lesson Learned: Don't believe you actually have plans with Philip until you are physically in his presence. And NEVER make "plans" with Philip over text message. You can probably replace the name "Philip" with a handful of other men's names. Lets just say I've had this happen to me before.
On Saturday I visited DC's neighbor to the north - BALTIMORE. I really like Baltimore. I visit there are lot to hang out with my very good friend and I always have a blast. I've even tried to date a guy who lived in Baltimore. He was very nice too, but a little quiet...and, well, as you can tell, it didn't work out. But that's not Baltimore's fault. Anyway Philip ended up calling me to see what I was up to that night. Of course I'm in Baltimore, so put a big ole fail stamp on that. We are like two ships passing in the night...actually, we are like the two inebriated pirate ship captains on the ships, passing in the night. That's a better analogy.
I spent that night in Baltimore with my friends, had a great time, good food, good cheer, good drinks. Eventually I found myself chatting up a friend of my friends, who happened to be a guy. After downing my second celebratory shot, I decided it would be great idea to tell this guy that I had started my very own dating blog. An unsettled, panicky look came over him and he said "oh...so what do you write about?" I blurted out "This!", pointing my finger back and forth from him to me. I immediately thought better of what I just said, and quickly tried to make myself clear. "No, I mean I write about all the dates I go on, not just all of the conversations I have with guys, like this one ...you know... right? Hee hee (nervous laughter)." The conversation quickly fell apart after that, and that's when I realized I had learned my second lesson of the weekend.
Second Lesson Learned: I must remember to not go around telling men I occasionally write blog entries about my awful dating life. This applies to both men I want to date, and men I don't want to date. I fear I may appear desperate, slutty-ish, lonely, or just weird. Which I assure you I have NEVER felt any of those feelings, ever. :-)
Sunday morning rolled around and it was time to head back to home sweet home, Washington DC. I had conveniently rented a Zipcar to get me there and back. I highly recommended this car sharing service. Go green! Anyway, early Sunday morning I learned the third lesson of the weekend, and thankfully it has nothing to do with dating or this blog. The following lesson will mean nothing to non Zipcar users, but I assure you its important.
Third Lesson Learned: When using the Zipcar always enter and exit the vehicle using your Zipcar passcard. Don't try to be all cool and unlock the car using the actual key. I found out the hard way that the car will not turn on if you continue to enter the car by using only the key. I happened to keep using the key on this particular trip, and had to call Zipcar and have them help me "reboot" the car's reservation system so that I could actually turn on the car and drive off on my merry way. Am I the only one who didn't know this?
So that's my "Oh Snap...It's the weekend recap". Happy Monday!
I don't think I like this Philip fellow...but as long as you string him along as much as he strings you, all is fair in love and war:)