Monday, May 4, 2009

Non-date Date Redux

So I don't often give people second chances, and I am trying harder to give credit where credit is due. And I did both of those things this past weekend.

I think it is worth writing a blurb about my second chance non-date with Philip (see blog post from April 20 "A non date is what is sounds like...") and give him props for what was a wonderful time. I'll spare the details of the second outing with Philip because its can hardly be classifed as a failed date. It was just the opposite!

We were able to joke around about his previous non-date behavior. You may remember he bought me a shot of rail tequila that I didn't want, tried getting into a bar using his credit card, and then left me without saying goodbye. He seemed to genuinely regret his previous actions, and he more than made up for them on our second outing.

So here's to second chances and second non date outings. Happy Monday!


  1. I'd say a THIRD date could be the one that's most telling:) Go out with him again, even if it's purely for blogging purposes!!!
