H.O.N. Hair On Neck. Also known in my world as "Brambles". Urban Dictionary defines brambles as "the unsightly hair on the back of one's neck". The only reason its defined in Urban Dictionary is because I made my friend post the definition one night at like 3:00 am. I really do not like HON on guys.
I appreciate a smooth, HON-free neck on a man. I'm not saying that every guy has to have a military style tight haircut, but its just nice when a man makes an effort to get a regular haircut or at least clean up the neckline. A HON-free neck is pleasant to look at and nice to touch and you'd think it would be simple enough to achieve. First of all a guys haircut takes like 10 minutes and a cheap cut is probably around $15. Believe me, every time I visit the salon for a hair cut, there's on average 3 guys in and out of the stylists chair next to me. So I know that this process is not time consuming.
I first realized I had an issue with HON as a I sat behind Mike M. in my senior year pre-calculus class. Mike M. had a "normal", short hair cut on his head, but what looked like a hair rug from the top of his neck down into his t-shirt. I looked at this HON for the entire school year. Of course its really weird that I remember this and have let if affect me to the point that I'm blogging about it, but all I wanted to do was shake him and demand he get a hair cut.
As women, we may spend countless dollars and valuable time (not to mention, endure agonizing pain) removing hair from parts of our bodies that 99.99999% of the population will never even see! Meanwhile you have men flaunting their unsightly HON all over the place.
There is probably no correlation between HON and failed dates, but I just wanted to get the facts out there. I am only one woman, and I know I will never win this battle against HON, but one can dream. Happy Friday!
this is hilarious. i couldn't agree more. HON reminds me of my dad. ick.